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Soil Repair Products

Our Best Selling Product

HA PLUS with 888 Biological

HA Plus

How does HA Plus help to drought proof crops?


HA Plus structures the soil, contributing to a larger root structure and better water storage, resulting in improved water uptake allowing the plant to produce better in dry years.




--- Enhances fertilizer efficiency, increasing yields,            and potentially reducing over application                        that can lead to nutrient runoff of leaching.


--- It enhances microbe interactions in the soil to                make nutrients more available to the plant   


--- Best of all it REDUCES soil compaction.




Other Products

Liquid HA-12

Humic Acids:


HA-12 contains liquid humic acid extracted from Leonardite. Humic acid is a naturally occurring organic substance found in soils, coal and peat, resulting from the decomposition of organic matter, particularly dead plants. It has a high cation exchange capacity which serves to chelate (collect) plant food elements and release them as the plant requires. The chelation process holds the nutrients in thesoil solution and prevents their leaching and runoff humic acids will improve humus content in the soil for better tilth, water and nutrient retention, and soil aeration. Seed germination and plant root and top growth are enhanced.



Trace Minerals:


There are more than 70 trace minerals in HA-12. These trace minerals are vitally important to grow healthy high-yield crops. Trace minerals help to create a plant that is more resistant to insect pressure, frost, drought and every other adverse condition that limits aplants growth.



HA-12 Trace Mineral Benefits:


  • Affordable

  • Effective

  • Higher Plant Yields

  • Higher Protein Levels

  • Higher Nutritional Values

  • Disease & Pest Resistance

  • Stronger Plant Immune System


Suggested Protocol:


Starter: 1-5 gallons per acre applied directly in row on seed.

Foliar: 1-2 gallons per acre mixed with up to 10 gal H2O.




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Organic Ocean Fertilizer

What Exactly is MIN-TEC?


- Sea water is the only known source on earth that has the       complete assortment of trace minerals perfectly balanced     in  a soluble form.


Why Do You Need MIN-TEC?


- Soil erosion has reduced many soils to an insufficient and     inadequate level of essential trace mineral availability in the   soil. Studies have shown that most soils only provide 12-20   of the 90 available natural minerals.



The Lack of Minerals in Our Soil is Proven By the Need for Constant Fertilization.This lack of minerals in the soil has resulted in:


  • Poor Plant Nutritional Value

  • Increased Susceptibility to Pests and Disease

  • Shorter Shelf Life

  • Smaller and Inferior Yields

  • Weakened Plants

  • Increased Use of Hazardous Chemical Fertilizers to Compensate for the Lack Of Minerals in the Soil

What Are Some of the Benefits of Feeding My Crops the Perfectly Balanced Minerals from the Ocean?


  • Affordable

  • Higher Plant Yields

  • Higher Test Weights

  • Higher Protein Levels

  • More Profitable Yields

  • Safe to Use On All Crops

  • Higher Nutritional Value

  • Higher Drought Tolerance

  • Disease and Pest Resistance

  • Stronger Plant Immune System

  • Contains Most Trace Minerals Found in Nature


Is MIN-TEC Affordable?


Because we manufacture, package, and distribute we are able to offer MIN-TEC to farmers at a price well below the competition. And because of the amazing density and assortment of trace minerals in MIN-TEC all you need is a small application to give the plant all the mineral it needs to grow to its full potential.



The History of MIN-TEC


It is well understood that there are radical health differences between plants and animals found in the sea and those on land. In the ocean, life thrives on a precisely balanced diet of inorganic nutrients while our landlocked environment has been increasingly unable to provide plants and animals with the full compliment of minerals necessary for health and longevity.


If a soil is like a mine with its myriad of elements, then whenever man tills it, plants crops and in other ways engages in farming, he is for all practical purposes engaged in the business of mining. Like a miner, the farmer breaks the earth with digging tools, but instead of dynamite, he plants seeds to loosen the minerals and elements from their holding matrix. And finally, he carts away his minerals in the form of food rather than ore.


Perhaps the most disturbing aspect of this mining analogy is that farmers, through conventional fertilizer strategies, often only replace three to six of the total number of elements removed from the soil. The failure to understand the importance of all elements and their role in providing complete, balanced nutrition to plants and animals has resulted in an abundance of food that is great in bulk but low in vitality.


Over six to eight days of growth, wheat grass watered with sea minerals develops a balanced complement of health-giving minerals.



What’s the Answer?


Ocean water holds the perfect balance of nutrients essential for sustaining life. Quantitative analysis of the elements in our blood and those in unadulterated seawater has revealed a strikingly similar profile, including a substantial presence of sodium chloride. It is interesting to note that salt, when in proper balance with other nutrients, is actually beneficial to plant growth.


Suggested Protocol


Starter: 8 oz per acre in the row on the seed with a buffer such as Humic Acid.

Foliar or top-dress: 1-4 qts per acre.




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